Tuesday, August 7, 2012

Mr. and Mrs. C

A year ago, Jesse and I got married.

A lot happens in a year. Since we have been married, Jesse has worked as a paramedic, applied to medical school, and today he takes his first step in becoming a doctor. In the past year, I learned how to cook, curl my hair, and ran in my first national track meet. Together we traveled to Italy, California, Florida, Kentucky, Texas, and Rhode Island. We also have learned a bunch of new things and have had some crazy adventures together over past year.

Some things haven't changed. We continue our weekly date nights. Jesse and I still argue over whether we should watch Family Guy or Dancing with the Stars. We still live in the same apartment. I continue to ask Jesse if we can get a dog on a daily basis.

Whatever happens next for us, I feel very lucky to have Jesse by my side. He is my best friend and an amazing husband. Here's to our first year as Mr. and Mrs. C!

Messy Jess C.
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1 comment:

  1. Aww! Happy Anniversary! Your wedding pic is gorgeous!
